Category Archives: Product Announcements
New Polished Parabolic UV Reflector – Hill Tech
High reflectiviy enhanses UV curing for non-focused applications Continue reading
Line scan cameras, UM2/UC2 now embed Pleora license for GigE
Our GigE line scan cameras provide the following benefits: Continue reading
UV irradiator housing for easy conversion to UV curing
Hill Tech introduces UV irradiator/ UV lamp housing for easy conversion of existing production lines to a UV drying/curing line. Continue reading
Pioneer Magnetics Repair Operation
There are scores of PMI competitors that are no longer in business and/or are no longer servicing their older products – especially the 5” X 8” X 11” power supplies Continue reading
Feature rich LED drivers
We provide a turn key solution that require no external components, for easy integration into a multitude of LED lighting applications, including advertising landscaping, displays, road and rail traffic signs and signals, exterior and interior lighting for automotive, consumer products and a wide range of industrial products, including telecommunication applications Continue reading